Belief, Enthusiasm, Action, Results, a cycle that gets bigger and easier as it goes around
No one is born with greatness but all are born with great potential.
We all are born with the same amount of credibility, trust and assets; which is zero.
However, some of us can get on board the journey of success and fail ourselves forward, getting closer and closer to greatness and we do that by applying what is called the BEAR cycle, Belief, Enthusiasm, Action, Results.
And does’nt just apply to the MLM, Network Marketing, Affiliate and Internet MarketingBusiness only. It applies to business and life.
There are 4 stages in the BEAR cycle Belief, Enthusiasm, Action, Results, and as this cycles goes around Belief, Enthusiasm, Action, Results, over and over and around and around it gets bigger and easier in very rotation. Belief, Enthusiasm, Action, Results.
1. Belief: This is the hardest part of your MLM network marketing and any business and life in general.
You have to believe in yourself and in the opportunity and the products that you market.
You have to know that you always knew and always will know that you possess the magic formula to the solution you are providing. If you don’t believe in yourself like this, your success journey will be short lived.
It is also the hardest part in life or anything in motion. It is synonymous to all the physical laws studied in Physics. Most of us have to make an effort to apply this in the beginning because there is a lot of negativity out there some people tend to shoot people down when they talk of goals rather than encourage them. However, if you can get yourself through this stage and
believe in yourself with conviction it makes the other stages a lot more easier.
2. Enthusiasm: The dictionary defined this word as “absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest.” This part of your attitude needs to be as close to REAL as much as possible. The more you believe, the closer to real your enthusiasm is.
Your first time around believing in your opportunity is strictly by faith because you haven’t experienced the solution you offer by yourself. Therefore believing strongly by faith will help in being really enthusiastic.
3. Action: Being enthusiastic because you strongly believe leads you to taking massive Action.
Your actions are better and more effective.
Your prospect, especially from your warm market, knows you and your level of success. Enthusiasm will reduce the chances of them feeling like you are selling them while your sharing your opportunity, products ad services. Your Enthusiasm, will feel like you shared a vision instead. so remember be enthusiastic.
4. Results: Most importantly, there are better chances of better results by rinsing and repeating whats worked in this cycle. if you share your results more people will be willing to share in your MLM network marketing success journey and experience because of the honesty.
Better results will also make your belief bigger. It also creates your story and therefore the journey around the BEAR Cycle, Belief, Enthusiasm, Action, Results, gets easier and accelerates and will duplicate your success faster and faster.
Belief, Enthusiasm, Action, Results=more Belief, Enthusiasm, Action, Results
Do You Recognize The BEAR Cycle, Belief, Enthusiasm, Action, Results